God’s grace, grit, and growth are a few words describing Lady Shahita “Shay” Todd. Born to teenage parents in Arkansas, Shay was reared by her great aunt in Kansas City. There, life had its challenges, but God’s grace carried them through. From early childhood, Shay was taught the importance of having a personal relationship with Christ. This relationship became real to her, and she was baptized at the Friendship Baptist Church, A Congregation of Jesus Christ, followed by actively serving in Christian ministry in her local church and district work. Shay excelled in school as a young student, emerging as a leader even in her youth.
Triumph through tragedy also characterizes Shay’s life. When she was twelve, her great Aunt unexpectedly passed away, leaving Shay’s rearing in flux. Thankfully, Shay’s grandmother retired early and relocated to Kansas City to manage the home, caring for Shay and her great Aunt’s disabled adult son. Again, through economically challenging circumstances, their grit and determination, overwhelmed by God’s grace, enabled Shay to excel academically and spiritually. Shay graduated with honors from Raytown South High School, where she sang in the show choir and was the yearbook editor her senior year.
Shay’s life as an overcomer continued as she attended Missouri State University on full scholarship; she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Criminology. Also, following her freshman year of college, she married the love of her life, Chris. To date, they have been married for 20 years. In this season, Shay began to discover her vocational passion for youth and families. She worked as a supervisor of juvenile probation crews and then as a residential manager for the Ronald McDonald House of the Ozarks.
Following their tenure at Missouri State, Shay and Chris relocated to Dallas, where he attended seminary. Shay actively supported her husband, being a consistent partner in life and ministry while exercising her gifts. She briefly worked at Exodus Ministries as a life coach and resident manager, followed by a stint at Bank of America. However, she returned to her passion for families working with the Ronald McDonald House of Dallas, first as the night residential manager, followed by the assistant house manager.
In 2010, Chris and Shay relocated to Alabama, where Chris served as the pastor of The New Home Missionary Baptist Church. God’s grace and grit continue to characterize their lives. Despite numerous miscarriages, God graciously gave them three girls, Anaya, Alani, and Avery, and a son, Aziah. In 2022, after a 6-year hiatus following the birth of her first child, Shay returned to school, completing a Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling with an emphasis on Marriage and Family.
Shay continues to use her testimony of God’s grace supporting her husband and sharing the joy of raising their four children, Anaya, Alani, Avery, and "Aziah." Additionally, she seeks to be a witness to other women, advocating for seeking a deep, growing relationship with God as a prayer partner, mentor to younger and older women, and facilitating women’s and young adult discipleship groups. Above all, Shay exemplifies in both word and deed the power of God’s grace and a heart dedicated to serving him by loving and serving others.